Volunteers Frequently Asked Questions

ResearchMatch Overview

Why is ResearchMatch important?
Who is involved in ResearchMatch?
How can ResearchMatch benefit me?

What to expect?

What happens once I register?
Since I am entering in my phone number, will I start getting a lot of calls if I join the registry?
When will I start to hear from researchers if I join ResearchMatch?
Do I have to participate in a research study if I join ResearchMatch?
What if I change my mind about being part of ResearchMatch?

Joining ResearchMatch

Who can join?
What if I do not have a health condition - can I still join?
Do I need to have health insurance to join ResearchMatch?
Do I need to have a social security number to join ResearchMatch?
What does it cost to join ResearchMatch?

Privacy and Protections

How does ResearchMatch protect my information?
Are there any risks to joining?


Will I receive payment for joining ResearchMatch?

Updating my information

What if my contact and/or health information has changed?

Clinical Trials

Is ResearchMatch only for clinical trials?
How can I learn more about what it means to take part in a research study?

More questions?

What can I do if I have more questions?